INTERVIEW. With Nic VAN DAMME. About the meaning of his brand. How he became an artist. On whether or not he would begin acting and working in the film industry. What’s his manifesto in his paintings. Art, techniques and many more..
Nic VAN DAMME today is a talented artist and brilliant personality. He paints, he acts, he directs, he writes. He’s ambitious about filmmaking. And is very active and excited about his exhibitions around the globe, that literally thrive and conquer hearts. Nic has his own audience and everything he does, he does it by himself and because of his talent. Nic has a deep understanding of the world architecture, he follows people’s moods and feelings, needless to say his paintings are the inner world of his state of mind and his soulmates, us, the people. Either it’s because he’s an artist, his sensitivity towards environment is incandescent, but it is also likely that he’s just a brave man who doesn’t afraid to express himself….on a canvas.
The journalist Sofia TERESHCHENKO took an exclusive interview with the son of legendary actor and Hollywood super star Jean-Claude Van Damme, Nic VAN DAMME. The conversation was very friendly and warm. Nic is an extraordinary guy with a kind heart.
Happy parents: Jean-Claude Van Damme and Darcy LaPier.
So, why VLAD? What is the mystery behind the choice of this name?
So originally my artist name was V LA D, my mother’s last name is LaPier and my father’s Van Damme, so I combined them. But when we had my first successful gallery, they pushed the V LA D together on all the posters and advertisements and it became VLAD so I just went with it.
Nic Van Damme with his mother Darcy LaPier.
Tell us a little bit of a style that you’re working with?
I grew up in Portland, Oregon and would put up some street art in the city, but when I moved to Arizona, some of my more wealthy friends would have me spray paint some art on their penthouse wall, fraternities etc. and then I started using canvases and needed a smaller medium because spray paint makes very big lines obviously. So I always use spray paint in all my pieces but I also use acrylic paint now as well.
Photo © Nic Van Damme
Some of your paintings are very straight to the point and represent modern issues. Do you bare any political, cultural or social messages in them? Is there any manifesto in them?
Definitely I do make a lot of pieces that are just meant to entertain and make people feel good, but I also delve into issues when something happens in the society around me that would inspire to have a voice through my paintings.
When you create, what is the atmosphere around you? How do you prefer to work?
I like to listen to hip hop music when painting and I just have to be in a good mood. It depends what’s happening in my life at the time but I always try to keep a good work ethic forwards painting.
Who is your favorite artist? Modern and/or not?
I think my favorite artist is Keith Haring because he spent a lot of time in Belgium and created a new wave of color and simplicity that a lot of artists use in their work today.
Photo © Nic Van Damme
What, on your opinion, should bring the art into the cosmos: a rebel fight, resistance or a peace of mind and harmony?
I think art should be a struggle but it shouldn’t ruin your day, no matter if you sell your art for $20 or $1 million you shouldn’t do it unless it challenges you and makes you feel some sort of relief.
What is your favorite craft technique: oil, graffiti, acrylic? And why?
My favorite craft technique is splatter work like Jackson Pollock but I’ve always respected graffiti work so I try to incorporate that in one way or another.
Photo © Nic Van Damme
Would you consider to play in the movies as an action hero, like your father Jean-Claude Van Damme?
Yes, definitely. I love the film industry but if I were to enter, I would come in at a different way as every actor should. But as an actor you don’t pick what roles you play, you play them and play them good or they’ll find someone else, I’m more interested in directing and writing and if a role needs to be filled I can morph into that character for the sake of the film.
Nic Van Damme with his father JCVD. Photo © Nic Van Damme
What is your favorite painting of yours (from your creations)?
I recently made Audrey Hepburn painting being displayed in Hong Kong currently, that I very much like.
A. Hepburn. Photo © Nic Van Damme
What are your plans for the near future?
Having another gallery in October, which will display some sculptures as well as paintings, that I am very excited about. For more details people can check out my Instagram page as well as my website where I can show upcoming events and course some updates of my work!
A wish from Nic Van Damme for the Greek audience and Greek people?)
I would love someday to do a gallery in Greece, hopefully this year I can set something up to show my art in your wonderful country!!
You can also check out for more of Nic’s paintings (and purchase some on his works) on his official e-SHOP
Just for display some:
Click here: “He Lived”
Click here: “A. Hepburn”
Click here: “Beats”
Click here: “BOMBO”