Pierre MALINOWSKI: Migrant crisis. Modern apocalypse or is there still a hope?

INTERVIEW. With Pierre MALINOWSKI: French historian and archaeologist Pierre MALINOWSKI gave an exclusive interview to the journalist Sofia TERESHCHENKO about the migrant crisis in France and Greece, its consequences, and precautions, which is yet not too late to take.

While preparing this interview, it became known that the borders of Spain were stormed by 600 to 800 illegal immigrants boated from Africa. There are wounded among border guards and illegal immigrants.
In Germany, there has been also some riots in the square near the Brandenburg Gate.
And in France, the local church in the Orleans was vandalized, unidentified people have left the inscription “Allahu Akbar”, burnt the walls, and broke the glass.

S: Pierre, you partly live in France and Russia. How has the migrant crisis affected your country? What mistakes do you think the European Union has made so far?

P: The migrant crisis has become devastating for the Europe, and in particular for France. This “invasion” was also one of the reasons why I left my country and traveled to Russia. There are approximately 12 million indigenous people in France, with the exception of other different European cultures and nationalities. And 5 million Muslims. The unemployment rate is almost 10%. The crime rate is 90% among the African youth. I think there is no need to explain that the situation is almost irreparable. Waves of migrants from Africa will continue to our country. Usually the come here (without women), carrying with them radically different customs, and religions … I do not want to scare anyone, but every rational person understands the seriousness of the situation. In 50 years, the French people will become a minority. France has chosen its fate. And this is sad.

S: Austria, Poland, Hungary, Italy have a fairly clear position on the issue of illegal migration, and defend their interests without discriminating their own citizens, while maintaining an unshakable position of security policy on the borders with the EU and within their states. Why do you think such a great national powers as Germany, France and Great Britain have such a big order and security problems with migrant crisis?

P: There are several reasons. Economic, political and historical. A historical reason, due to the fact that France had numerous colonies over the past centuries. In addition to the independence of these countries in the 20th century, France now pays a bill for the arrival of these populations, which are mainly from the Maghreb (*Africa – from the Editor). For political reasons, France launched its immigration policy under the leadership of Giscard d’Estaing, which implied a “family reunion”. Which means, over the time, their family members can join; but we do understand the traditions of these countries, which consist in giving birth to as many children as possible.. In addition, in France, there is the concept of “Droit Du Sol” (Jus soli, literally “land right”). Every child born in France automatically becomes a French citizen. And also a slogan so valuable in France: Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité (Liberty, Equality, Fraternity) which is of course good. France believes that it can, and should, accept the world’s poverty despite the detriment of its own citizens. The same plan has been prepared for England and Germany. We must not forget that many of these immigrants come not from the countries at war, but simply from poor countries, without serious conflict. Poland and Hungary, taking a look at it of all, are not willing to endure the same disasters (dominant Islam, aggression on the streets, harassment). These countries are very nationalistic and patriotic, contrary to the other countries quoted, and they will not give up. As for Italy, this is another matter. The main reason was the economic crisis, as a criterion for the election. The Italians do not want to be overloaded with migrants, while the country has difficulty surviving the economic crisis.

S: Italy’s position was immediately clear as soon as Matteo Salvini was elected, it became clear that the country had chosen a course of somehow healthy national European development. Do you think that the EU is doing enough to help France and Greece to deal with the migrant crisis?

P: If you are talking about the EU of Brussels and Strasbourg, then the problem comes precisely from this. Alcoholic president, corrupt deputy, billions of euros are spent on all possible perversions (LGBT rights, uncontrolled immigration…). France does not receive assistance to combat the migration crisis, it pays for everything itself. France is one of the main countries encouraging the influx of migrants, and it obliges other countries to do the same. In Greece, the situation is slightly different. The country is in a very difficult situation. The country cannot support the influx of migrants. Migrants arrive on the Greek islands and remain in the camps, while European aid keeps itself waiting for months to take care of these people, and Greece has to support and bear all this huge responsibility (aggression, special surveillance, etc.) by itself. And, naturally, as it is known, migrants arriving in Greece, do not want to stay in Greece, their task remains to get to Germany, France, England.

S: In Greece, there have already been many incidents with migrants who’ve just now arrived, from murders, thefts, sexual assaults to fake IDs and fake ages. And in Greece, protests have also already occurred some times, because of the catastrophic migration policy. What would you advise to France and Greece on this issue? How do you see the policies of France and Greece regarding the border control and the security of civil society?

P: Everything is very simple. If this decision was depended from me, not a single illegal migrant would be accepted in Europe. We condone the influx of migrants, because we help this in the first hand. We need a solid policy. Zero inflow of migration. With regard to criminal acts involving migrants, the police must apply very strong penalties in order to discourage others. These people imagine that this is just like back at home, and aspire to apply their specific habits and customs on western women. But if the police exercise their right to the maximum extent necessary, they will be immediately named as racists. In the future, we will see more and more confrontation between migrants and native Europeans.

S: How, on your opinion, can this whole epopee with the “invasion of Europe”, get ended? Is there a way out of this crisis or are we late?

P: I advise everyone to read the book of my friend Jean Raspail: The Camp of the Saints. He predicted what is happening today, more than 40 years ago. Given on how many migrants are already here, given the African demographics that are growing every day, and who are leaving their lands for Europe, this epopee may end badly. When they become a majority, very soon, they will impose their laws on us, and their customs. Demography is what will become the loss of a Western man. The cosmopolitan society so desired by the Wall Street leaders is on its way. Their goals: a completely intertwined society, without borders, without Christian traditions. We are moving there.

S: How do you feel about the national politics of our peer Sebastian Kurz? And why is there such a cultural gap in the political vision of Europe and the world between Kurz and Trudeau?

P: Trudeau is the perfect embodiment of a Western man who is ashamed of his roots, color and history. For him, the white man is a racist, imperialist and villain. His father has already begun work promoting catastrophic laws. Son makes it worse. For example, he may wish Happy Ramadan, but nothing to Christian believers on their holiday. For him, Russia is a hostile, he sends his troops to Ukraine.. In this way, we are approaching a disaster, and hence all the anti-white propaganda and laws. This person is disconnected from reality. He lives from his childhood in palaces, far from the people. Kurz is the exact opposite of Trudeau. A brilliant, patriotic young man, well versed in the current situation.

S: A small advice from Pierre Malinowski. What is better: to travel or to read books?

P: Both. You need to travel in order to see with your own eyes how each culture is ideal for a specific country, and that it is not necessary to mix everything in a row. Prosperity means diversity, that is what should remain in every country! And reading good books, is helping us to reveal our spirit and awakens our consciousness. Avoid the propaganda press and turn to the wealth that literature provides us.
