Reading the front pages of the news blocks of the last days, one gets the impression that either we were not together in the same courtroom, or the media are deliberately writing lies about the development of the case of Babis Anagnostopoulos.

The controlled media cynically accuses Babis Anagnostopoulos of aggressively pressuring witnesses, taking on the role of defense attorney and effectively defending himself (the famous “from pilot to the lawyer of his own” headline), that he planned the murder of his wife, and that Caroline must have been asleep at the time of the tragedy. That’s all and if we do not take into account also the deliberate nonsense that is repeatedly written about his personality.

Personally watching the progress of the trial, I did NOT notice ANY of the above in the behavior or character of Babis Anagnostopoulos.

Babis Anagnostopoulos, in general, reacts to the environment and the events around him in the same way, without outbursts of anger / emotions or excessive reactions, he is simply not one of the people who reacts very emotionally to the events (bad and not) or even express all his feelings to the public very easily.



Everything is just the opposite. Babis Anagnostopoulos is a very modest and shy man, he speaks very quietly, and on the first day of the trial, it was sometimes quite difficult to hear what he was saying, he is so restrained in his communication with people and in showing his feelings. He pulled the microphone a little closer to him when he was speaking, and that’s only after he was advised to do so, so that he could be heard better. He is very polite and always says “yes, thank you” or “no, thank you” regarding whether he wishes to ask questions to witnesses or not (* legally he has such a right – for those who write about “pressure, manipulation and self-defense”). Babis did not raise his voice even once in court. It was very often when I saw him crying…and trying to hide it and as he quickly wiped away his tears… Babis communicates very humanely with his witnesses, while they on the other side try to blame him for the qualities of his character, which he does not have… As a result, the witnesses, which in fact makes perfect sense, eventually stay with nothing to answer…, knowing that he’s right. Babis is not trying to get the attention of the media, which he is right about, obviously realizing that, one way or another, whatever he says, the result will be that his answers are going to be misinterpreted and unfairly played, in the way that benefits the mass media most… Which means he will be portrayed again as a monster, a cold-blooded killer, a highly manipulative man and a narcissist… These are exactly the names and words used by the media…

It was also amazing to watch some of the witnesses who came to say the same thing that the controlled media wrote. Some even followed the same rhetoric in the use of descriptions:

Witness: “Babis is a very manipulative man”, he controlled Caroline in everything, and did not give her money. One day, he came (uninvited) to the same place where Caroline and I were together. At the cafe.”

Babis: “Please tell me, has it ever happened at least once, that I did not let my wife spend as much money as she wanted when she went out with you on Fridays? Or at least once, when I called and asked where you are or with whom, when you went out for a walk and hung out together?”

Witness: (suddenly is silent and looking Babis in the eyes) “No, not once”…

Babis: “Then where did this conclusion come from that I isolated my wife and was not giving her money, and manipulated her when she wanted to do something?”

It makes sense how this girl came to such conclusion, with so many “fun videos” on TV in the style of “Joseph Bonanno hits New York again” or simply as we know it – the current headlines: “Babis Anagnostopoulos”, with so many opinions of “experts” from the television, that Babis planned everything and coldly played his role… A  man with unstable immunity to televised informational  transmission tricks for the later acquisition of a public opinion about one or another incident that benefits the media most: clicks, sales , impressions, etc., the viewer “draws his own conclusions”. Indeed, since this has so much “sence”, that Babis Anagnostopoulos built his whole life around his beloved career and his financial well-being, got married, became a father, had many different hobbies and interests, loved traveling etc., to end up today in Korydallos prison… Sarcasm, of course. But how else can anyone normal react to such statements? 

Another big “bombshell” dropped in court was the witness (the famous “family psychologist”) Eleni Mylonopoulou… From her testimony, even to me, to a journalist who personally contacted Russian propagandists for two years (when I was doing my investigation in Russia), and from their absurd flow of information about the greatness of Russia and how they are going to conquer the whole world, even to me after hours of listening to this lady, my last nerve cells of the brain got up and left me wrapped up in a bow. 

Not only is it not clear what the exact specialty is of Mrs.Mylonopoulos as a profession, but also many other things. Psychologist? Psychiatrist? Mental health advisor? Let’s say. As it turned out, she can’t diagnose and refer her clients to treatment. Ok. But on the other hand, she did not hesitate to give a “diagnosis” to Mr.Anagnostopoulos, calling him as “highly manipulative, insensitive and narcissistic person”… It is possible of course that she learned these altruistic and spiritual qualities of evaluating people without being an expert in the Masonic lodge?

Babis: “Mrs.Mylonopoulou, didn’t you say that it will take a lot of time and patience for Caroline to heal? Didn’t you say that there was a possibility that all this would affect me, the healthy one? And that even my hair can fall out? Didn’t you tell me to be very patient?”

Babis also asked her how he can be manipulative, since he himself wanted to help his wife to overcome this difficult stage of her life. He also asked her how come he wanted to isolate her, if he was bringing new people into her life (e.g. his friends). And also, the fact that Caroline had daily communication with her mother, with a friend, and with a neighbor, what kind of isolation is that? Babis also asked Mylonopoulou to give at least ONE concrete example of how and for what reasons he “isolated” Caroline and manipulated her… Mylonopoulou failed to give a single example, only to repeat the monotonous accusations of his “narcissism”. Babis also clarified that the taxi driver friend who took Caroline to meet Mylonopoulou was only then when she met them for the first time, and not always… He also clarified that the choice of the house, the purchase of a plot (in a remote area), the choice of the land was done by Caroline herself 5 months prior she entered Piraeus University. Regarding the money, Babis also clarified that Caroline had her own bank account, which Babis did not have access to… As for Babis’ attitude towards animals, he clarified that together with Caroline, they looked after almost 40 cats and dogs in the neighborhood: they were feeding around 15 cats outside, they had 5 animals in their house (4 cats and 1 dog), and many more cats and dogs, in addition to feeding, they were bringing them to the vet, got them vaccinated, sterilized, etc. Babis also clarified that he never prevented Caroline from shopping for clothes or makeup, and his absences on Sundays were solely due to work. 

So why are all of these is presented as Babis “manipulations” – it is still not clear.

Sarcastic note – in court, we also “counted” how many times Babis left his house alone…, and how he spent his money (*facepalm)…

Considering all of the above, it seems inconceivable why the lady “mental health advisor” did not advise Caroline and her husband to contact a real doctor, a psychiatrist or psychologist, since the girl had such problems. Why didn’t she advise them to do tests, for example for her hormones? Why and under what right, did she, in fact, put the symbol of inequality between Caroline and her husband? Isn’t such a personal and misleading approach to a patient a little too much from a person working in a certain area of medicine?…

And what is this nonsense with her two different statements to the police? Why, instead of BEFORE all that happened, she didn’t bother to call her fellow doctors to transfer her patient’s file to them because of their greater ability to help the girl, and when the ugly incident happened, she didn’t hesitate to call the police to express her suspicions about the husband in such a difficult situation. And how could a mental health advisor not knowing such things about her patient, as the fact that sometimes the scandals between Babis and Caroline ended up with a, how to put it elegantly, more aggressive expression of Caroline’s anger on Babis and the their child, as he himself describes it in his testimony..?

The communication in the courtroom with the “mental health consultant” was essentially completed with the fact that the defense side of Babis Anagnostopoulos will submit an objection to not take into account the part that refers to scientific issues, on the grounds that she does not have the necessary professional criteria to declare a psychotherapist or mental health consultant. 

Even more incredible is the fact that all the media presented at the trial preferred to “ignore” the fact that according to the investigation of Caroline’s smartwatch there was an evidence that 7 minutes before the confessed act, there were pulses and 17 steps from the victim, which proves that Caroline was not sleeping… At 3:51 the steps were taken, that is exactly what Babis Anagnostopoulos says in his testimony.

It’s a shame to realize that the journalists from a couple of famous tv channels who sat next to me, asked me to clarify with them a question “so she wasn’t sleeping?”… and I answered them “obviously not”, to my utter astonishment, did NOT mention ANYWHERE in their articles what was heard in the court by the defense side of Anagnostopoulos about the 17 steps from the victim.

Many questions, no answers. But we will find these answers… We have no rebukes (as journalists) about Babis Anagnostopoulos, we see and understand what has happened to him… And we are on the side of truth, not like our other colleagues.


Sofia Tereshchenko