the D I C K t a t o r

Credits: The portrait, known as “The Face of War,” is the signature piece of the “Five Elements of War” exhibition at the Ukrainian Institute of America in New York. The portrait was made from bullet shells by Daria Marchenko and Daniel Green. New York, USA
From the “Chronicles of degradation” online journal:
“The Impostors”
“I will say an important thing that many do not understand: today’s Russia is by no means the heir to the Russian Empire that existed before 1917, and has nothing to do with its victories and achievements.
The Russian Federation of the model of 2020 is the heir to the USSR, that is, the state that destroyed the Great Russia, trampled on all its shrines, shot dead or expelled its best people overseas.
If Suvorov had been alive in 1917, they would have shot him along with Kutuzov and Nakhimov, they would have sent Pushkin and Lermontov to the GULAG, and Tchaikovsky would have been expelled from the Union of Composers with a ban on practicing his profession. They would rot in the camps the discoverers of Antarctica Bellingshausen and Lazarev, and Krusenstern would be forced to serve as a boatswain on a fishing schooner for the rest of his life.
Today they “shake” these names on the Navy Day, – boasting not with their achievements -, but the truth is that the real heroes of real Russia would have shoot them all with their customized revolvers for everything they and their predecessors have done to the country.”
“Why do we need such world, if there’s no Russia in it?” – claimed Putin, in the tough propaganda film “The New World Order – 2018” made by his main big mouth Vladimir Solovyov, & added that a nuclear strike would lead to a global catastrophe cos “why do we need a world without Russia”… “The aggressor must know” – he continues, “that a retribution is inevitable, that he will be destroyed. We are the victims of aggression, and we, as martyrs, will go to Heaven. And ‘they’ will just perish and die. Because they won’t even have time to repent!” said Putin at a meeting of the Valdai Discussion Club…
Putin operates a giant coercive machine to intimidate potential rivals, sends his opponents to prison or expel them from the country. Year by year his propaganda machine is in need of tightening of the regime and repressions – persecution of the opposition, destruction of independent media, eradication of dissents among scientists.
Putin appeals to the deepest and darkest instincts of the Russians who are used to be living in an “empire” and who miss the feeling of their own ‘ghostly power’.
His main address is a deep desire to be a great power where nothing humane is important, as ONE person and HIS leadership.
He began to turn to this nationalistic idea after the Bolotnaya protests and after / during the Ukrainian Revolution of Dignity in 2014. From then, his ‘success’ in international politics is considered to be healthy and patriotic to support…, and it is considered unhealthy and unpatriotic to criticize him… His attempt to divert the attention of society from the economy to nationalism, his position in the international arena, the role of Russia as a “defender of traditional conservative values”, was poor. He was left with only friends as North Korea, China and Venezuela, and perhaps some African cannibalistic tribes. In relations with China, that “friend” with whom it is rather difficult for Russia to be friends, as rapid economic growth is apparently incompatible with the oligarchy kleptocratic political system that exists. And being, as it was, sentenced to prolonged stagnation, and only occasionally receiving help from surges in oil prices, they try to divert attention to conservative values and nationalism on the country… And in this concept they follow an example of the Chinese Communist Party, which, although has been pretty successful economically for years, has become less successful in recent years of incredible growth, that is coming to an end, and they are also trying to divert public attention to China’s role in the world, Chinese nationalism, Chinese “dignity” and military power, this is the same trick that Putin and his entourage are trying to impose for an never ending rule. This is a classic example, probably the one after / since the days of the ancient Roman Empire. Perhaps this is why Russian propagandists consider Roman Empire as a prototype of today’s Russian path and consider Putin as their Roman Emperor, while having hots for Italian fascism, Benito Mussolini and swastikas. In 2018 they even built a Cathedral of the Russian Armed Forces…, where in the museum of this (Christian?) church they keep Hitler’s uniform…
The future of this problem is not difficult to predict: more control over the media, more control over election system, the use of force or threats against people that the regime does not like – all of this has been part of the system for a long time, for decades now. Now we see an even greater shift in this direction, and this doesn’t change the general nature of the world in the state of pre-WWIII condition. Cos if you can’t hear the war sirens, you’re probably deaf.
Sofia Tereshchenko