The Many Faces Of Putin: LORDS OF THE FLIES. Part 1: Putin and Hitler.

The Many Faces Of Putin:


Part 1: 

Putin and Hitler. 

Comparative Politics of Totalitarianism and Authoritarianism



When discussing authoritarian leaders in history, the comparisons between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Adolf Hitler, the infamous dictator of Nazi Germany, are inevitable. Both have left indelible marks on their nations and the world, displaying characteristics and policies that draw striking parallels. This article aims to analyze the similarities between Putin and Hitler, shedding light on the authoritarian tendencies that have defined their regimes.


Cult of Personality:

  • Both Putin and Hitler have cultivated a cult of personality around themselves. Hitler’s propaganda machine portrayed him as a charismatic and all-powerful leader, while Putin has similarly constructed an image of strength and decisiveness through state-controlled media. This cult of personality has allowed both leaders to maintain their grip on power, military aggressions, and stifling dissent and opposition.

Suppression of Opposition:

  • One of the defining features of both Putin’s and Hitler’s regimes has been the ruthless suppression of political opposition. Hitler eliminated political rivals and dissenting voices through violence and intimidation, while Putin has employed similar tactics, cracking down on opposition parties, independent media, and political activists. The suppression of dissenting opinions has enabled both leaders to consolidate power without facing significant challenges.

Nationalism and Expansionism:

  • Hitler’s aggressive nationalist policies led to the expansion of Nazi Germany and the eventual outbreak of World War II. Similarly, Putin has pursued nationalist agendas, particularly evident in Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014. Both leaders have exploited nationalist sentiments to fuel support among their populations, using it as a tool to justify their aggressive policies and assert their dominance on the global stage.

Erosion of Democratic Institutions:

  • Hitler’s rise to power saw the dismantling of democratic institutions in Germany, paving the way for a totalitarian regime. Putin, too, has undermined democratic principles in Russia by restricting the independence of the judiciary, suppressing free press, and manipulating electoral processes. This erosion of democratic institutions has concentrated power in the hands of the few, mirroring the autocratic tendencies seen during Hitler’s rule.

Human Rights Abuses:

  • Both leaders have faced criticism for their human rights records. Hitler’s regime perpetrated heinous crimes against humanity, including the Holocaust and various other atrocities. The scale of atrocities is absolutely alike, Putin’s government has been criticized for its handling of political dissidents, genocidal political decisions against neighboring countries, LGBTQ+ rights, and media freedom. The disregard for human rights under both leaders underscores their authoritarian nature.


While it is essential to recognize the differences in historical context and the scale of their actions, the similarities between Putin and Hitler in terms of authoritarianism, suppression of dissent, nationalism, erosion of democratic institutions, and human rights abuses cannot be ignored. By understanding these parallels, we can remain vigilant against the rise of authoritarianism and work to preserve the values of democracy, human rights, and freedom around the world.