INTERVIEW. With Andrew C LAUFER. About the future of GOP and fate of Donald Trump, new Vice President Kamala Harris, about the power of women in politics, traitors: Julian Assange and Edward Snowden, bomb: the US Department’s most wanted for foreign interference in US elections, opinion: the diplomatic and military answers the USA “owes” to Russia, Magnitsky act and coming sanctions, why do Russians are so afraid of the truth about the Freedom Loan and its founder Mikhail Tereshchenko, about Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA), 18 U.S.C. 1030 and what is maximum punishment for foreign individuals involved in hacking attacks and hoax calls against the United States and US officials, and many more…
Andrew LAUFER is a prominent New York City lawyer based in the heart of Manhattan. Andrew practices at his firm, Laufer Law Group est. 2000. The Law Office of Andrew C. Laufer has helped hundreds of clients, from property transfer to the settlement of multimillion $ disputes. Mr. Laufer, a zealous advocate for victims of police misconduct and prison abuse, has been litigating civil rights actions for over 21 years in and around the City of New York. He is the principal of the Law Office of Andrew C. Laufer, PLLC. He has also lectured at the New York State Trial Lawyers Association for attorneys interested in litigating false arrest, malicious prosecution, and excessive claims against law enforcement in both New York State and Federal courts and has written numerous articles for NYSTLA’s Bill of Particulars. He is an active member of the Board of Directors for the New York State Trial Lawyers Association, the National Police Accountability Project, the American Association for Justice, and the Brooklyn Bar Association.
The journalist Sofia TERESHCHENKO took an exclusive interview with one of the prominent lawyers of the United States, Andrew C Laufer, who has also shared his New York stories as well.

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What’s going to happen to the GOP and Donald Trump now? What future do you see as a lawyer for the Republican party? And what does the Trump family must be aware of after all the damage they’ve been through?
Both Donald Trump and the GOP will face a legal reckoning. Trump, and his family who are a part of his businesses and administration, will most certainly face many civil and criminal prosecutions on both the state and federal level. Depending on culpability, members of the GOP will also face the same. To be clear, I am not an attorney for the GOP. I am a civil rights attorney with my own practice. They are all absolutely aware of the damage they have caused to the Republic.
Your recent photo with Kamala Harris was extremely gorgeous and I envy you very much. What Kamala Harris is like as a person and what’s the story of this cool photo?!
VP-elect Harris is an amazing woman. She has a significant history in law enforcement and is acutely aware of the challenges America faces with Russia, China, and transnational organized crime. She is very personable and extremely intelligent. I’ve attended a few fundraisers for her and that photograph is from one of them. I’ve had the honor of having conversations with her about these issues.
Photo credits: @lauferlaw Twitter
Women in politics. We have great examples of women leaders from Finland’s female-led government to Kamala Harris in the United States. But don’t you think we still have a very little amount of women running politics? Globally. Would you like to see more women in politics and why?
I would love to see more women engaged in politics. It’s about leadership and ideas. Whoever is the most capable leader, be it man, woman, or non-binary, should seek election and lead.
In August 2020, the U.S. Department of State’s Rewards for Justice program offered a reward of up to $10 million for information on foreign interference in U.S. elections through computer fraud or hacking, information leading to the identification or location of ANY person who, while acting at the direction of or under the control of a foreign government, interferes with ANY United States federal, state, or local election. Considering Russian interference (hackers, hoax callers, cyberattacks, illegal SVR inside the US, etc), when are we going to be able to see the results of this ongoing investigation? And how do you think the current administration will lead this intelligence operation?
Criminal investigations take time. Complex ones can take years. I believe these investigations will bear fruit. We have seen already the indictments unsealed from the Mueller investigation regarding GRU hackers. I believe we’ll see much more of that in the coming months and years. I doubt Trump is terribly happy with these investigations since it appears he has benefited greatly from the hacks and disruptions.
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‘Magnitsky Act is set to target human rights abusers. It allows to ban criminals engaged in serious human rights violations from traveling into Europe to freeze their assets. But I have noticed, that there is no word about corrupt individuals. We all know, that Russian neooligarchs and some officials, the nouveaux riches, tend to cover up their money origins. So some of them, who have never, for example, officially, participated in one way or another in human rights violations, they’re still all engaged between each other, yet they travel, live and buy properties abroad, obtain “golden passports” and own bank accounts in Western banks. Isn’t it a little bit naive from our side not to mention the word “corruptioners” and “corruption” when imposing such Acts and laws upon them?
Human trafficking is one of the many vectors transnational organized criminals use to make tremendous profits from the global shadow economy. Some of the others are weapons and drug trafficking. The ill-gotten gains from these illicit activities must be laundered or “cleaned”, the connection broken from the illegal activity, in order to be utilized by criminal organizations in the “legitimate” global economy. They need businesses and individuals who aren’t involved directly in these crimes to funnel this money through their “lawful” businesses and activities. Once that occurs, a significant percentage of the money is directed back to these criminals. We have seen and I believe, we will continue to see a crackdown on these corrupt individuals and entities who facilitate the “cleaning”, especially after Trump is out. Red Notices, Magnitsky sanctions, etc. If transnational organized criminals find it difficult or impossible to launder their money, it will greatly frustrate their abilities and the purpose of their unlawful activities.
What other actions could you emphasize, as necessary, must be implemented in ensemble with such sanctions as Magnitsky Act pact? Perhaps a complete freeze of all Russian assets, deportation and arrest of their foreign properties belonging to shady oligarchs and officials residing also for some shady reasons in NATO countries, and eventually deprivation of Western “golden passports”? Because the world IS watching on us…
Sanctions that severely curtail and prohibit Russia, China, etc access to global markets or events, like the Olympics, will cause significant economic and social consequences. The loss of international prestige is absolutely damaging to authoritarian regimes like Russia and China. The freezing and seizing of assets are also very powerful tools of Western law enforcement. PNG of Russian and Chinese officials, the closing of embassies and consulates will send the appropriate message. The West needs to pursue these courses of action in order to stop Russia, China, etc criminal spree.
What political, military, and/or legal answers is the United States, as an unconditional and exceptional superpower, obligated to give to the Russian Federation after everything that’s been done in these recent past years, starting from Russian invasions into the US friendly countries, cyberattacks, hoax calls, public humiliations, elections hacking, war media propaganda, incitement to civil unrests in the US and Europe, illegal spying from Chapman to Butina, aggressive strategical policy, disrespect of international law, abuse of basic foundation of sovereignty and democracy of the United States, and sometimes opened and obvious hatred and disrespect towards Western civilization and its values, its politicians and diplomats? Because the world is watching on us and is waiting for America to be back…
America and her allies must hold Russia to task for their onslaught against her and the West as a whole. Russia has been a menace to all civilizations since the formation of the Cheka in the early 20th century. The Kremlin needs to be held to account for their brazen and unbridled assault on freedom and the rule of law worldwide. Strengthening NATO, economic sanctions, political consequences such as expulsion from various international organizations, and being designated as a mafia state among other acts are called for. Authoritarian regimes like Russia and China only respect strength. The West must show them that strength through our resolve not to tolerate their criminal activities and hooliganism. If we fail to do so, their attacks will continue.
The history of the Russian Federation is very ambiguous and the biggest part of it has been censored since the days of the KGB embodiment. For example, its current state existence is only thanking to one very well-known prominent Ukrainian, Mikhail Tereshchenko from Tereshchenko Family, who redeemed the Freedom Loan of Russia, one hundred years ago, and literally bought this country (its freedom, its sovereignty, its state language, its borders, etc etc). So he bought the right to its existence, sovereignty, state language, borders and stopped the entry of foreign troops from the western and eastern borders, by initiating this historical Loan. This historical fact in Russia is also very much disliked by the authorities and propaganda, and extremely intimidated of, because of the material claims to them and the damage that they may incur, if this Loan is re-reviewed… But the question is, why, in your expert opinion, is Russia so afraid of its real history and, unlike America, falsifies it and threatens other people (historians and investigators) when they tell the truth about their historical past?
(This might be a question better posed to an expert in Russian politics, culture, and history). I believe the Russians are very much aware of their history and are embarrassed and feel shame as a result of it. The purges, mass killings, and slaughters during the Red Scare and Stalin’s rule, Holodomor, Katyn, etc. are something to feel deep guilt, humiliation, and regret about. The reason it’s repressed is due to a pathological desire of its leaders to control its populace, believe only what I say, and deriving power through victimization, Russia is always a victim of Western aggression justifies its hostile acts and stance towards it, etc. I hope, one day, Russian leaders place the value of life over their need for control and power. Russian power structures and culture need a true renaissance, a coming to terms with their past so they can move towards a brighter, peaceful, and more tolerant future.
What is the maximum punishment for the foreign individuals involved in hacking attacks and hoax calls against the United States and US officials?
It’s the same as for any American citizen. Years in prison and large monetary fines. It’s generally covered by the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA), 18 U.S.C. 1030.
Andrew C Laufer is also on @lauferlaw Twitter account
And what according to your knowledge, as a lawyer, is the punishment for traitors like Julian Assange and Edward Snowden? Is there a possibility of their eventual extradition and imprisonment, and if yes, when?
Assange will most likely be extradited to the US. If Trump pardons him, I have a feeling other jurisdictions may find an interest in his presence. Snowden, if the Russians grow tired of him, may send him west or exchange him for something. They both will likely face significant charges here. The when of extradition will be after Trump leaves office.
What is like a New York City for you? Can you name a couple of your favorite places you love the most about New York?
I love NYC. It is my home. I don’t have any specific place or places I prefer but I do enjoy going out for drinks or dinner with friends and family.
How do you find an idea of creating in the future something like International Presidential Debates between presidents of the foreign countries, globally? Could this help in building a clearer picture of every country’s image and who is who in the presidential chairs?
I like that idea. Communication between trustworthy and rational leaders is always positive. I would avoid giving populists or authoritarians a platform though.
What piece of advice would you like to give to President-elect of the United States Joe Biden?
I don’t believe he needs my advice at all. He’s a very intelligent and savvy person. I look forward to his AG, Merrick Garland, pursuing individuals who attack and seek to undermine our Republic. Justice pursued via the rule of law and without political influence is the way we begin to heal our country.
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